What a blessing is for parents to baptize their child in an intimate ceremony along with their beloving ones. We are truly honored when we take part and work with a baptism’s theme which is either for a princess or a prince, a sweet pirate or a golden mermaid, a jungle monkey or a cute jungle cat. The inspiration is unlimited and we are always delighted when we work with different materials, colors, styles and themes.
And so, we invite you, help us design a sweet, memorable sacred day for your child!
«Kαι όταν ο Ιησούς βαπτίστηκε, ανέβηκε αμέσως από το νερό και ξάφνου, ανοίχτηκαν σ’ αυτόν οι ουρανοί, και είδε το Πνεύμα του Θεού να κατεβαίνει σαν περιστέρι, και να έρχεται επάνω του» (Ματθαίου 3:16)
“And when Jesus was baptized, he immediately came up out of the water; and suddenly the heavens were opened to him, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove, and coming upon him” (Matthew 3:16)

Candy Bars
Wishes from heart, wishes full of love for a lifetime.
All the senses participate in this emotional feast. Beautiful flowers, imaginative decorations, exquisite aromas and scents, sweet tastes that soothe and delight.
Bonding of sensations travel along the love wishes…
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